Tuesday 14 November 2017

Online Dating and How to Get A Girlfriend

Finding a girlfriend can happen over night or it can take years. For many guys nowadays the opportunities to meet new girls are few and far between. Online dating provides a great way to find new people to meet and date, but there is an art to doing it well. First, you have to look datable from your profile information alone. Next you have to be sufficiently engaging in your messages to warrant an actual date. Finally, you have to seal the deal and bag yourself a girlfriend.
 Online Dating and the Five Rules

1) Be realistic. Relationships are funny things, and you might end up dating a supermodel who absolutely adores geeky, overweight guys with a talent for Pokemon, but you might stand a better chance on finding love with an attractive geeky girl instead. Think of the sort of girls who have shown you any interest in the past and appeal to them. Take a look at the profiles of girls like these and see what kind of mutual interests you share. It sounds a bit like applying for a job, but you need to target your profile so that you are presenting your best features and giving relevant information to prospective dates. Use photos where you look good, but also where you actually look like YOU. Nobody likes a surprise on a first date. It's a good idea to ask female friends to help you choose photos, as you might be the only person in the world who likes that lime-green, check shirt with wolves on it.

2) Be patient. Getting a girlfriend is (unfortunately) like investing in stocks and shares. You don't just buy shares in one company and expect it to flourish over night. Instead, you spread your investments across several companies and wait for one to hit the big time. We're not advocating dating several women at once here. Don't be a player! In the initial stages of finding girls to talk to, you should message several women and expect that some might not even reply. All it takes is for one to write back and you're away. Get to know these girls through messaging until you feel comfortable enough to ask them on a date. Ask her out straight away and you may come across as desperate. There's no ideal time, but if the messages are engaging and you're not running out of things to say, then perhaps the time is right.

3) Don't get bitter. If a girl stops messaging you, or seems to become less interested, or even if she stands you up on your first date, don't send her a message telling her that she's related to Satan. You're entitled to feel miffed, but perhaps she's been genuinely distracted by something slightly more important than a date with someone she's never met. Whatever the reason, being bitter towards her will only make her definitely not want to date you. Casually inquire as to the reason for the lack of contact, and then leave it at that. If she doesn't reply, then you won't look desperate or enraged. Keep your wits about you and stay aware. , If you think you're being screwed around then just leave it and walk away.

4) Don't talk about your ex. If she asks, then gently offer a short and balanced description of the situation. If you keep going you'll look like you're not over her. More than that, don't talk about yourself the whole time and use your date as some kind of relationship counselor Orlando. You're supposed to be finding out about your new potential girlfriend, and you can only do that by asking her questions and listening to the answers. The best bet is that you both find a healthy balance and find out about each other. Ask her about her last holiday, what she does at the weekends, what hobbies she has.

5) Be Honest. If you fancy this girl and she fancies you then things will naturally take their course and your relationship will grow over time. If either of you are not feeling a spark then you should be honest and save each other time and heartache. Finding love is not easy for some people, as we all have our own demands and issues, whether we think so or not. You should really think of online dating as a cycle rather than a destination. Coming back to number 2 in this list, you should prepare to find more girls to date. Repeat this process several times. As a result, you will get better at dating and build your confidence with women. Eventually, you will find a girlfriend online, or in your local store, in the park, or even next door.
Online Dating Requires You Have Confidence

Online Dating many think does not take much effort. This is far from the truth. It takes just as much I believe. Counseling is beneficial if you struggle with issues of low self esteem, anxiety and past relationship issues. If your unable to let go of pain and past baggage then seek online therapy Orlando to help you clear this up. You deserve a clean and fresh start.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Eliminate Stress With Water

eliminate stress

Life can be harried and hectic. When the stresses of everyday life become too intense, wouldn't it be nice to have a way to relax and escape for a short time? One of the best stress relievers is the magical, soothing effect of water. Here are some ways to use water to help you relax and lower your stress levels:

Add an indoor water fountain to your home or office

An indoor fountain with the peaceful sound of flowing water can be a great stress reliever and can help promote relaxation. Indoor fountains can be found in a variety of gardening centers, department stores and specialty stores. It's even possible to build your own fountain for very little money. All you need is a ceramic or metal container, an electrical water pump, and a platform sponge from your local gardening shop along with decorative items for your fountain scene. Instructions for making your own indoor fountain can be found on the internet.

Take a fast swim in a pool.

A fast paced swim can be just the heart pumping action you need to relieve stress and tension as well as promote relaxation. Usually you can gain access to a public pool or a YMCA pool inexpensively. It's a great way to stay in shape too.

Take a long, hot soak in the bathtub.

Draw a warm bath and add a bit of bath oil to create a pleasing scent. Choose a herbal scent that will promote relaxation and stress reduction. Play some new age music quietly in the background and meditate. You'll feel much more relaxed and stress free when you emerge.

Study an aquarium full of fish.

Studies have shown that viewing an aquarium full of fish can lower both blood pressure and stress levels. If you have a chance, find a salt water aquarium as salt water fish are quite beautiful with their bright colorations.

Take a water aerobics class.

Although exercise on firm ground is an excellent stress reliever, exercising in a pool is even more beneficial as the buoyant force of the water can be quite soothing. Sign up for a water aerobics class at your local health club or YMCA and watch the stress disappear along with the cares of the day.

Open a window on a rainy night

There's something so soothing and relaxing about the sound and smell of a soft, steady rain. Open the window before you go to sleep and feel the stress melt away.

Take a walk in the rain.

If the rain is light, you may not even need an umbrella. A bit of light rain gently touching your skin can be quite therapeutic. Even if the rain is a bit heavier and you need to carry an umbrella, being outdoors in steady rain can be relaxing.

There are many more ways to relieve stress with the gentle, cleansing power of water. Try these water oriented relaxation techniques and feel your cares literally wash away.

This is a great form of meditation and another useful skill to help you deal with life's stressors. Seeking counseling in conjunction will give you the tools to live a life stress free.

Monday 23 October 2017

Marital Counseling Orlando – Seek Help Today

  • Marital Counseling Orlando and the Reality Of Marriage. What it really is like today. To be married, with a  partner, and/or or in any long-term  committed relationship, you need to first forget every romantic movie watched and accept the simple fact that you are in a binding contract with someone that will know all of your individual flaws and may often highlight and point them out..
Some husbands do not not show their  love with roses,  chocolates, or expensive jewelry. He may however on a certain night cook the most amazing dinner, he may spend the weekend, fixing those items around the house that you need help with. 
  • You both find yourselves reluctantly sitting through a boring documentary about a topic so far from your interest that you would rather watch paint dry. ,
  • Marriage is having your partner remind you that you would feel better going  out and exercising, even when you’re sure you would feel better eating donuts.
  • Your flipping each other off after they irritate you and have turned their back to you.
  • Marriage is often anticipating the Monty Python quote that’s  appropriate for the situation.
  • You both are attempting to not talk about the children when you’re out on a date but find it’s the only topic there is to talk about.  
  • Your marriage is sometimes fun when you can jump out and scare the crap out of your partner just for fun.
  • You find you’re in a social gathering and your partner can perfectly time their  eye-roll exactly the moment you feel if coming on.
  • Marriage is getting annoyingly hot while you  both cuddle. You instead stay there  longer despite this fact.
  • Marriage is when you stop yourself from telling your partner, “I told you so,” even when you really, really want to. Not playing the blame game.
  • Marriage is when your walking with your partner down the street casually and it starts raining. You run out of the rain into a bar and then  realize  there is no one else on this earth you’d rather be with.
  • Marriage is when you intuitively know your wrong often and are constantly reminded of it.
  • Marriage finds each other year after year arguing about money and taxes.
  • In marriage both find themselves up in during the middle of night with the kids throwing up. You find your being pushed off the bed with the sheets stolen and really bad snoring that never ends.
  • Marriage is that one night in the month when the kids are at sleep overs or their grandparents. You are free to do anything you both want. You end up just ordering take-out, watching a Netflix movie, and then pass out before it ends.
  • Marriage is finding yourself saying nasty comments to each other and then asking for forgiveness.
  • Marriage is when you’re able to anticipate the future.  You envision the gray hair, the wrinkly and saggy areas and your partner loving their velour tracksuits.
  • Marriage is a belief  in your partner. Truly believing in their spirit even when you have seen them at their worse.
Marital Counseling Orlando 
Marriage is the ability to let go of your expectations of what you consider marriage could and should be. Marriage is finding that it’s imperfect yet at the time feels perfect for you. It’s the knowing that your partner is legally bound and required to laugh at all your jokes. 
Marriage also is about sticking through the tough times, when a child has an addiction, your loved one is suffering with severe depression or anxiety, etc. Can your marriage stand the true test. Unconditional love is the love that does not try to:
-Needs nothing
-Wants for nothing

Marital Counseling Orlando – Seek Help Today

Unconditional Love just Is. If you and your partner can relate but feel your having a hard time getting through some rough patches, then marriage and relationship counseling can help. Let’s work together as a team. Together we will get back to the place of love, acceptance and a feeling of peace and stillness.